Matrix Music Theory

"Matrix Theory" is a controlling overview of music necessary to getting around independently.  The two books below cover both sides of the musical universe:

• "The Science of Music" covers the basics of music theory and highlights advanced insights into simple concepts that are overlooked by nearly everyone; and

• "Matrix Theory; Straight Answers to the Most Unanswered Questions In Music"
This book fills in gaps of knowledge and provides keen insights into strong composition skills, advanced sightreading and interpretation.  A MUST for all music teachers and everybody else!

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The Science of Music

(Music By The Numbers)

If you're searching for answers then you'll discover there are endless avenues to pursue in libraries and online.  The trouble is, too much information is confusing. If you don't know where to look, you might miss something important.  If you don't know what you're looking for, then you're sure to miss it.  Don't leave it to chance.

Get A Different View of Music Theory

You'll put together a puzzle that reveals the big picture of music and how all the pieces work in tandem, together within the borders of a well-defined but limited music-structure based on a simple-science of numbers.

No time is wasted; guessing about what to research because everything that defines the music art form is here.  Yeah, there's always more theory, but be assured.  Everything of greatest value and importance is included for you to see the big picture.

These are the Principles you manipulate and apply when playing by ear.  When you understand the hidden-innuendos behind certain "basic" concepts, you come to realize they are not so "basic" after all.

Because the most powerful play-by-ear tools are rooted in the basics, the "basics" can't be dismissed as "too obvious" or "too easy" to pay any attention to.  Quite the opposite, your greatest realization is that "basic" simplicity is what dominates in the play-by-ear world.

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Here's What You Get:

  • Seven Principles of Music At a Glance
  • Keyboard Layout
  • Scale Uniformity
  • Building Chords
  • Creative Variables of Music
  • Counting Variables of Music
  • Alpha Notation on the Staff;
  • The Science That Converts Notes to Numbers

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Matrix Theory

(Straight Answers to the Most Unanswered Questions in Music)

No matter your level, this book includes secrets often missed by even the most experienced musicians among us.  It covers the innuendos of reading and writing music and answers deep questions that improve your ability to correctly interpret a piece of music you've never seen or heard before.

A lot of playing be ear includes reading music, so understanding fully what's going on behind the scenes plays a great part in your ability to do it.  Test yourself with just these three puzzling questions.  Maybe you know the answers but wait, there's a lot more to them than you may have ever considered before.

What is a beat?
How fast do you play a song you've never heard before?

What's the difference Between 2/2 and 4/4?
So much alike, but so completely different from each other.

What's the difference between Major and Minor Key Signatures?
Combining and making sense of a very misunderstood concept.

• Much, much more.

PDF Download - 43 Pages

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